I joined the aviation family back in 2012, to pursue my dream to learn how ti fly. Since then I earnd my Instrument Rating, Commercial for both Single and Multi-Engine.
I own a Cessna 182 that I have used for work and pleasure trips. I love to fly my wife and three adult children when time becomes available.
Volunteering for Pilots for Christ provides me with a way to give back since the Lord has blessed me with this skill.

Dick White learned to fly in a Navy Flying Club in Memphis, Tennessee. After the Navy he enrolled in the G.I. Bill Aviation program and obtained his Commercial, Instrument and Multi-engine Ratings. He then obtained his Certified Flight Instructor, Certified Instrument Instructor and Multi-engine Instructor Ratings in the 1970's. In 1990 he obtained his Airline Transport Pilot Rating. He is a firm believer in Jesus Christ and can never thank Him enough for what He did for us on the cross.
"Flying with Pilots for Christ is a wonderful Ministry and personally rewarding."

Donald Burt Sr. is the current Chapter Chaplain and is also Chaplain for the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Tuskegee Airman.Donald served in the United States Air Force and retired with a Medical Discharge. In 1989 he accepted the Lord and was spiritually transformed and has led a life of ministry as a staff member of Mariemont Community Church, City Gospel Mission, Fairhaven Rescue Mission, YMCA and Boy Scouts of America. He has earned an Associate Degree from the Community College of the Air Force Applied Sciences, Tripp Bible Institute and has attended Cincinnati State. He is a deacon and Sunday School Teacher at his church and has been a volunteer at the Cincinnati V.A. Hospital's Fisher House for 9 years.Donald has received a Presidential Service Award for his many years of community service from the President of the United States.
Joslyn Burt accepted the Lord into her life in 1978 and is blessed with the gifts of art, singing, teaching and serving in Childrens Sunday School. She has been employed by the City of Cincinnati Recreation Commission for over 20 years and is currently working at the Madisonville Recreatiion Center as a Community Center Director providing prorams for the 50+ participants and has received numerous service awards. She is also the Sargent-at-Arms for the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Tuskegee Airman Inc.
She and Donald have been a huge blessing to our chapter since joining in 2015 and Joslyn maintains contact with those who we have transported to let them know we remember them in our prayers

As a young boy, Rich Perry became interested in flying as he looked up to see small airplanes zooming through the vast blue. It wasn't until he sought his first Boy Scout merit badge in aviation that he finally set foot in a real aircraft. Rich was hooked! He went on in Scouting to eventually achieve his Eagle Scout award! After receiving an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army, Rich relocated to California to began is aviation career in earnest. He first taught flying, then worked as a cargo pilot, advanced to charter work and finally became a senior airline captain. Richretired in 2007 at the age of 60 from Com Air Airlines in Cincinnati,OH with 18 years of service! He has logged over 25,000 hours in the air! He actively flies mercy missions with Pilots For Christ Cincinnati Chapter and also gives flight and ground instruction. Rich also serves as our Chapter FAA Liaison concerning regulatory issues.
"I am very pleased to use my flight privileges to help those who have been blessed far less in life than me".

Family means everything to Bob. He has 4 children and 6 grandchildren and is very proud of each of them. He is very blessed and thankful to be a part of their lives. Bob was introduced to flying at about 10 years old in the back seat of his father’s Stinson L5. He soloed on his 16th birthday and now owns a Cessna 320.
“I formed a very personal relationship with God back in my childhood days. My faith is what sustained me throughout the many twists and turns of life. 10 years ago I was drawn to the church and have been attending the Vineyard of Cincinnati ever since. I have gone on several mission trips with my friends at the Vineyard. We traveled with Back2Back Ministries to Nigeria to help with their efforts for sustainable clean water, and Mexico to help with their good work with the orphaned children in Monterey. Many of us also went to New Orleans for Katrina relief. It was at the Vineyard that I found open arms and an even greater love in Christ.”
“During that time I found Pilots for Christ and felt inspired to fly for God’s children through our group. This has been the most rewarding flying that I have ever done. Being blessed with the ability to use aviation to help those in need, and doing it all in God's name, is tremendous!"
Proverbs 14:31 “….. whoever is kind to the needy honors God”

I came to saving knowledge of Christ in 1972 while living in southern California and earned my pilots license in 1978 at the age of 35. At the age of 72, I am still grateful to God for the gift of flight. Back in the 1980's I had the opportunity to fly into Mexco many times in support of medical clinics that ministered to the body and soul of the impoverished locals. After 32 years in California I moved to Cincinnati, Ohio to live with my new bride Erika,“He who finds a wife finds a good thing.” (Proverbs 18:22). Erika and I have been members of the Cincinnati Tri-State Chapter since 2006, she is the Treasuer and I head up our Amaizing Grace Kettle Corn “Biznistry”- a business whose profits all go to ministry- and fly mercy missions.
I have had many exciting flights to wonderful places but still yearn to experience the “Ultimate Flight” to the “Ultimate

Our most senior members; Bob and Judy Francia have held lifetime memberships for over 25 years! They are the only founding members of the Cincinnati chapter of PCI still on the roster. Going back, Bob has served as chapter President three times and also held the Vice Presidency on the national board. His career has spanned over 35 years in Cincinnati working in the packaging industry for Heekin Can Company and BWAY Corporation. Bob and Judy have one daughter and two grandchildren.
"I am not a pilot, but found this niche to serve God more than gratifying. PCI has afforded me many rich rewards, but these pale compared to His blessings. To get the most out of PCI, I encourage members to set aside time to attend the annual national conventions. Meeting others and hearing their stories is most helpful and gratifying."

Lee Kresser is a Boston, Massachusetts native who relocated to the Midwest back in 1975 after completing his bachelor’s degree majoring in Electrical / Electronic Engineering and minoring in mechanical engineering. He began flying while working at GE in Connecticut, and was subsequently transferred to the midwest by GE to work in the Louisville, Kentucky Appliance Park complex. He continued to do some flying when in Louisville, but marriage demands on the budget crowded out any more air time. But his interest in flying continued.
As a confirmed atheist in his early adult years, any discussions of faith and religion were debated with passion and logic. But the Lord touched his heart, and on August 17, 1975; Lee received Christ into his heart. Now he enjoys discussing Biblical principles and foundations from the other side and seeks to lead others to the cross.
Lee’s career has spanned working with some of the biggest companies in the world like Toyota and Ford Motor Company to small companies, so he appreciates the demands put on each size business. With the awareness of the Pilots for Christ, Lee saw an opportunity to support his flying interests while serving in a cause that gives back to patients, families and wounded warriors.
Hank Gieseler
Well travelled New Orleans native having lived in Orlando, Fla., Memphis, Tenn., Nashville, Tenn. And the Cincinnati Tristate Area since 1992. I learned to fly as a hobby in Memphis at a large flying club named “The Lazy Eights”. I obtained my license in 1976 and the instrument rating in 1982 all in Memphis. Debbie Guillory lead me to Christ through baptism in 1977 and to marriage the following year. In those early years of our marriage we enjoyed flights to New Orleans, Lake Charles, La., Houston and Laredo, TX to visit family and enjoy family trips. When our family grew I felt compelled to take a break from the expense of flying to raise our 2 sons. Our oldest son is an electrical engineer working in Seattle, WA with his wife, Theresa and two children, Lucas and Penny. Our youngest son is in home improvement sales and marketing living in Cincinnati with his wife, Jenni and 2 sons, Ryan and Jake.
God and our empty nest made it possible for me to resume flying in 2019. My dear friend, Donald Burt led me to the Tristate Chapter of Pilots For Christ International which has truly enhanced my enjoyment of flying and opportunities to have fellowship with like minded Christians.